Integration with Auth0 is quite simple and comes down to a few steps. I assume you already have your Auth0 account so you just need to install the library via Composer:
composer require auth0/auth0-php "^7.9"
To get started, we need to create a configuration file app/Config/Auth0.php. It is a good idea to leave the configuration values in the file empty and add them via the .env file. This will ensure that your sensitive data doesn’t end up in the repository.
namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class Auth0 extends BaseConfig
public $domain = 'your domain';
public $clientId = 'your client id';
public $clientSecret = 'your client secret';
public $redirectUri = 'redirect url';
public $scope = 'scope';
Next, we’ll create the main class that will allow Auth0 to write data to the session. To do this, we will implement the interface provided by Auth0. We need to create a file: app/Libraries/Auth0SessionStorage:
namespace App\Libraries;
use Auth0\SDK\Store\StoreInterface;
class Auth0SessionStore implements StoreInterface
* Session object
* @var \CodeIgniter\Session\Session;
protected $session;
* Session variable prefix
* @var string
protected $prefix = 'auth0_';
* CodeIgniterSessionStore constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->session = service('session');
* Persists $value on $_SESSION, identified by $key.
* @param string $key Session key to set.
* @param mixed $value Value to use.
* @return void
public function set(string $key, $value): void
$this->session->set($this->prefix . $key, $value);
* Gets persisted values identified by $key.
* If the value is not set, returns $default.
* @param string $key Session key to set.
* @param mixed $default Default to return if nothing was found.
* @return mixed
public function get(string $key, $default = null)
return $this->session->get($this->prefix . $key) ?? $default;
* Removes a persisted value identified by $key.
* @param string $key Session key to delete.
* @return void
public function delete(string $key): void
$this->session->remove($this->prefix . $key);
The last step is to create a service to handle everything conveniently. Let’s edit app/Config/Services.php file:
namespace Config;
use Auth0\SDK\Auth0;
use Auth0\SDK\Exception\CoreException;
use App\Libraries\Auth0SessionStore;
use Config\Services as BaseService;
class Services extends BaseService
* The Auth0 service.
* @param boolean $getShared
* @return Auth0
* @throws CoreException
public static function auth0(bool $getShared = true)
if ($getShared)
return static::getSharedInstance('auth0');
$config = config('Auth0');
$config = [
'domain' => $config->domain,
'client_id' => $config->clientId,
'client_secret' => $config->clientSecret,
'redirect_uri' => $config->redirectUri,
'scope' => $config->scope,
'store' => new Auth0SessionStore(),
return new Auth0($config);
All that’s left is to test the whole thing and create a controller app/Controllers/Auth.php.
namespace App\Controllers;
class Auth extends BaseController
public function callback()
return view('auth', ['user' => service('auth0')->getUser()]);
public function login()
public function logout()
$config = config('auth0');
$logoutUrl = sprintf('https://%s/v2/logout?client_id=%s&returnTo=%s', $config->domain, $config->clientId, site_url());
$this->response->setHeader('Location', $logoutUrl);
And then there’s the app/Views/auth.php view:
<title>Auth0 Sample</title>
<?php if ($user): ?>
<h1><?= $user['name']; ?></h1>
<p><a href="<?= site_url('auth/logout'); ?>">Logout</a></p>
<?php else: ?>
<p><a href="<?= site_url('auth/login'); ?>">Login</a></p>
<?php endif; ?>